Baja Travel Web Sites
- Mexico Ted’s Blog
- Baja Links (Dick Van Bree’s big directory of a few years ago)
- Baja Expo: Complete Directory To Baja Sites. (last active in 2010)
- Baja Nomad
- Baja-Web (off line)
- The Baja Highway
- Baja Bush Pilots
- Discover Baja Travel Club
- Baja Bound Mexican Auto Insurance
- The Baja Bound Travel Writers Page
- Doug Eernisse page of links and Howard Gulick maps
- The Viva Baja YouTube Channel
Facebook Baja Groups & Pages
Octopup’s 4×4 van and his amazing Baja California Trip pages.
Click the Trip Map to see where the trip went:
- 2023 Baja Trip Report/Photos (on Baja Nomad)
- 2023 Baja Trip Map
- 2019 Trip Map
- 2018 Trip Map
- 2016 Trip Map
- 2014 Trip Map
- 2012 Trip Map
- 2009 Trip Map
- 2005 Trip Map
- 2002 Trip Map
Specific Baja Locations
- Guadalupe Canyon Hot Springs
- The Russian Colony in Guadalupe Valley
- Russians in Baja: Molokans or Pryguny?
- The Official San Felipe, Baja California, (last active in 2021)
- San Felipe Tide Times
- San Felipe Tide Charts
- Puertecitos Tide Times
- Puertecitos Tide Charts
- Bahía de los Angeles Tide Times
- San Quintín Tide Times
- Bahía Santa María (Playa Hermosa) weather station
- Nuevo Mazatlan, past and present
- Mexico’s #1 Observatory web page
- Observatory Webcams ^^^
- Diablo Mountain Climb
- Canyons of the San Pedro Mártir
Papers on both sites for Mission San Pedro Mártir (1794-1811):
- Rancho Cielito Lindo blog, 2007
- El Parral by Lou Wells
- Matomí mountain climb and canyon hike.
- Las Pintas Fossil Grotto
- Papa Fernandez Webcam (Gonzaga Bay)
- Alfonsina’s weather station (Gonzaga Bay)
- Gonzaga Bay Warehouse (1769+) Paper of 2015 by Eric Ritter
- Gonzaga Bay Mission Warehouse: a paper by Eric Ritter
- Archaeology by Eric Ritter
- La Turquesa Canyon
- Coco’s Corner
- Bahía de los Angeles
- Rancho San Gregorio, BC, 1960-2022
- Las Flores Railroad
- No Wimps Trail (Dec-2016) trip report
- Bahia Asunción
- Mulegé & Bahía Concepción
- Pompano’s Guide to Bahía Concepción, 2015
Baja Home Pages
- Roamlndr Creative, 2WD Van Adventure series
- Pizza Management Baja Photos and Race Maps
- Zach Rohe’s Baja Photos (for sale)
- Banner Bob’s Flying Trips to Mexico (1960s-80s) [moved to Historic Images]
- Dr. Penny Pickett’s 1949, Packard Baja Trip
- Tom Junkans 15-day Motorcyle Trip, 2022
- Short Stories & Trips (The Adventures of Leigh Robertson)
- Ken Bondy’s Baja
- BajaTaco
- BajaTaco interactive map: 2000
- Roy ‘The Square-Circle’ photos (2005-2012)
- Baja with Mike (117 colorful stories and adventures by Mike Humfreville, posted 2002-2006)
- Tim’s Baja (Jan. 2003: Gonzaga Bay’s Onyx Springs & Las Palmitas)
- Larry Hahn Baja Dreams, Fly Baja pages [moved to Historic Images]
- Larry Hahn Baja Dreams, Los Angeles Bay & Diaz Family [moved to Historic Images]
- Larry Hahn Baja Dreams, Capt. Muñoz story by Jimmy Smith
- Looking for a website that is no longer around? You can just go to and enter the URL of the website you are seeking into their search box and hit Enter!
- in 2005
- Baja Talk Radio (May 2004- April 2006) show listings
Baja Book Authors (latest books)
- A. Muia is an author in Washington State, currently working on a novel set in Baja California in the 19th century. Nine of the chapters have been published in literary magazines, and several can be read online at her website,
- A. Muia is also at: &
- David Kier (Baja California Land of Missions)
- Graham Mackintosh (Marooned With Very Little Beer)
- Kacey Smith (Baja GPS Guide)
- Sunbelt Publications
- Greg Niemann (Baja Legends)
Message Boards:
Misc. Web Sites
- Expert four-wheel-driving data
- Soft sand driving page
- Anthropology of Baja California by Don Laylander
- U.C. Fullerton Biology Dept. Baja Study Trips
- Blue Roadrunner San Felipe site (active to 2019)
- William Lacy of Molino de Lacy, History (2 parts)
- The Bill Nichols Rock Trail, by Kevin Ward
- Eliodoro Arce, the legend (1912-2000)
- Lighthouses, Eastern Baja Peninsula
- Lighthouses, Northwest Baja Peninsula
- Lighthouses, Southwest Baja Peninsula
- Capt. Muñoz Story
- A GPS Sport: Geocaching
- 1957 Circumnavigation TV episode
- Desert Explorers
- William Walker in Baja, 1853
- Padre Ugarte’s Güéribo Grove of 1719; found!
- Governor de la Toba, Father of the Californias
- A Military Button from Baja California (paper)
- Alarcón in the Lower Colorado
- WWII in Baja California
- Margaret Brown Baldwin, early 1900s
- Edward Davis 1926 paper on the Vanished Tribes
- Harry Crosby Film (preview)
- fish identification photos
- Fish, Shells, Birds identification photos
- Mexican-Fish advancing from Mexfish with more ID photos
- Streams of Baja California (paper)
- How the trout climbed San Pedro Mártir (1929-1937)
Charles Edward Utt, catching trout in Baja to transplant (1929-1937)
Contributed Baja Photos & Stories:
- Jack Swords’ Baja History Gallery
- Baja Ken’s Sierra San Pedro Mártir Trip
- M’s El Tomatal Mystery
- M’s Photos of Graham Mackintosh
- M’s Total Eclipse Photos, 1991
- Seatwill’s Checkpoint Picture
- Desert Rat Walks to Gonzaga plus Wild Bill in the Sierra
- BajaBoy’s July,’01 Trip to Central Baja.
- Bedman’s 2001 Photos (San Quintin, Coco’s, L.A. Bay)
- Bedman’s 2002 Photos (L.A. Bay & San Borja)
- Borderline Adventure By Greg Joder
- Neal Johns 2002, explores Baja by truck and mule
- Neal Johns 2003: Yubay and other central Baja sites
- Jide’s Sierra Juarez Canyon Photos
- Carlos Fiesta’s CIRCUM NAVIGATION of the Baja Peninsula – Book edition.
- New for 2023: Steve Silver’s Baja California Photos