Baja California is the land of boulders, boojum trees, beautiful beaches, and historic missions.
Here you can find travel details, such as maps, photos, links, Baja California history, books about the peninsula, videos, and more >>>

SEE my (unpublished) Road Guide now 90% viewable, waiting to be published in book form.
READ about Baja California in my Travel Adventure articles
INDEX: FIND it fast in the Viva Baja Index
Baja Bound Mapping Detailed Trip Reports (on Tacoma World forums)
Road Guide Maps (2018-2021)
MAPS! The Viva Baja Map collection is here
PHOTOS: Baja Trip Albums and More
MISSIONS & VISITAS, a quick look + facts
BOOK COVERS! The Viva Baja Book collection is here
New & classic used BOOKS to buy (at! Seven newly added classic Baja guidebook titles added.
Baja California History is amazing! This is where California began and was the only place called California, prior to 1769 when the name was modified.
“My book covers the years 1533 to 1855 with the discovery of California and Spain’s attempts to colonize the peninsula, eventually using missions. Each mission is detailed and photographed. The padres are all named, with the mission they served and the years of service. I also talk about the ‘lost missions’ and explain what and where they were.” David Kier
This website was created in the year 2000. For 2022 and beyond, it has been revised to better help you plan trips and discover more Baja California adventures! More content is always being added. Look for more changes in the near future. Until then, just scroll down to see and read about the fascinating peninsula that is full of history and adventure. Several links lead to much more plus hundreds, no thousands of photos give you a look at some of the peninsula’s endless attractions.
A tutorial with maps: Learn why California becomes ‘Baja California,’ then into the nickname ‘Baja’

Baja California is a thousand miles of fun! Beware, you may catch ‘Baja Fever’! To help you find something on VivaBaja, I am building an index to find content here, and on other sites.

Let’s talk about Baja California: Join our Facebook discussion groups to share your travels, ask for advice, or make requests for this page.
a) Viva Baja Facebook Group:
b) Baja California Land of Missions Group for Historic Locations Discussion (mission sites, old mines, cave art, travel before 1973):
c) Email David:
First time driving to Baja California, Mexico?
Advice for border crossing and driving
Baja Bound Road Guide Research Trip Reports (2016-2018 trip reports on Internet forums, followed by photo albums with details)
Click here for quick quotes and get Baja Bound!:
The Baja California Travel Club:
1) Discover LOCATIONS (Travel Articles, Maps, Books, Road Logs)
2) Discover HISTORY (Missions, El Camino Real, Painted Caves, etc.)
3) Discover DRIVING (Border Crossing, Road Maps, Kilometer Marker, GPS)
4) Discover PHOTOGRAPHS from past and present photographers. These include (98) Baja California Travel & Camping Photo Albums, from 1965 to 2022!
5) See & Hear VIVA BAJA MEDIA 2014-2022, when I appear on TV shows, Videos, Documentary Film, Podcasts, plus at age 16, my Super-8 recording of the 1973 Baja 1000!
6) Viva Baja Page 2: LINKS to MORE VivaBaja and other Baja California Sites (Baja Travel Sites; Baja Locations; Tide Charts; Home Pages; Book Authors; Contributed Photos)
7) Need help finding something? Try out the new Viva Baja Index(under construction)

Coming soon, a new Baja California Road Guide:
Click to see: What will the new guide have in it?
(additional sample pages added in January 2024, all of Hwy. 5)
Click to HEAR & SEE ‘BAJA PEOPLE’ on Slow Baja podcasts
Zoom in close to see BAJA CALIFORNIA MAPS (1685-2021) over 200!

David Kier Baja Biography: how he connected with Baja California

Please allow me to help you find fun and adventure in Baja California as I have for TV shows and documentary films! Email:

EMAIL your Questions or Comments to DAVID:
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