Jack Swords Photos of the Missions of Baja California
Jack Swords, a certified INAH registered photographer, traveled to the mission sites to preserve them on film between 2000 and 2004. Twenty years later, we can compare the recent past with what can be seen today. These photos are all copyright protected ©. No reproduction without permission. LORETO in 2001 (founded in 1697, construction dates […]
El Camino Real east of Mission Santa María
Aug. 2017: Baja Bound Road Guide Research Trip #6
Southernmost Baja (14 days/ 3,000 miles) DAYS: 1) San Diego North County to Shell Island (south of San Felipe), 298 miles (via Mexicali). 2) Shell Island to El Datil south, 396 miles. 3) El Dátil south to Lopez Mateos, 229 miles (via La Purisima & Comondú). 4) López Mateos to Dolores Overview, 201 miles (via […]
June 2017: Baja Bound Road Guide Research Trip #5
TRIP #5: Day 1 San Diego-Mission San Fernando, about 40 miles beyond El Rosario. Day 2 San Fernando to near El Barril. Day 3 El Barril to San Ignacio (via Mission Santa Gertrudis & San Francisco de la Sierra) Day 4 San Ignacio to Bahía Asunción. Day 5 Bahía Asunción to Bahía Tortugas + and […]
Apr. 2017: Baja Bound Road Guide Research Trip #4
TRIP #4 goal is to explore the remote Pacific Coast of Baja California between El Rosario and Guerrero Negro. On the way south, I will also be checking Highway 3 from Highway 5 to Valle de la Trinidad and continue from there on the dirt road to Highway 1, near San Vicente. DAY 1 Wed. […]
Baja Books
Books about Baja California take us there through the travels and research of others. Much can be said about these books and their authors. For now, I will simply show their covers and give the year of publishing. Categories of books will be: Travel Stories; Guides; History; Ocean Activities (Fishing/Boating/Whales) & Others (Cook books, Photo/ […]
Mar. 2017: Baja Bound Road Guide Research Trip #3
2017 Baja Expeditions: Project Outline To bring everyone up-to-speed: In 2017, I have begun to retravel roads from my past and travel roads I have not yet been on. Here are the regions of info gathering done to date: Trip 1, New Years 2017: San Felipe to Punta San Francisquito Trip 2, Feb. 2017: San […]
Feb. 2017: Baja Bound Road Guide Research Trip #2
An incredible trip of ten days that included great weather (a bit cold at night), great Baja Nomads (Internet amigos), some I met for the first time, and great but rough dirt roads. I went to many missions and visita sites. Here is a list of them: San Ignacio, Mulegé, San Juan Londó, Loreto, Ligüí, […]
Memorial Day 2017 to Shell Island
Memorial Day 2017: A Baja Beach Family Camp Trip Hello Amigos, Our 3-year-old grandson was ready for his first Baja trip and camping weekend. His parents have been to Shell Island multiple times before his birth and were ready for him to experience the beauty and wonder that this barrier island beach has to offer. […]
Baja Bound Road Guide ©David Kier 2018-2025
UPDATE 9/2024: The publication date is unknown… and before the data is out-of-date, I will share with you more of the pre-publication manuscript. Since the last update, the Mexican Peso has dropped in value to around five U.S. cents, or 19.5 pesos per dollar (9-30-24). Paving is completed or underway from San Miguel Comondú to […]
Pole Line Road 2015
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, there was genuine fear that the Japanese would strike California next. In those years, Baja California was sparsely populated and void of modern roads or communication. There was an actual fear that the Japanese could have secret airfields and submarine bases in Baja California, and Mexico would not have […]
Cliff Cross Maps
The 1970 & 1972 Cliff Cross maps found in his 1970-1973 guidebooks: For the 1974 edition, the new Baja Highway was drawn in over the earlier maps, but not completely accurate. The covers of 5 editions of this very popular book follow these 50+ maps. The Cliff Cross Baja Guidebooks (1970-1974): […]
Trail of Missions #1 (+Helicopter over Baja)
On Monday night, 10 pm I get a text message from Cameron Steele asking if I would like to ride a helicopter to Baja and back, to spend Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday with about 50 off road racing greats and their families so I can talk a little about the missions during this televised tour […]
David’s San Felipe South & Gonzaga Area Maps 1967-2007
Guadalupe Mission & Museum
On October 28, 2012, Max Kurillo and I examined the mission site of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (‘Guadalupe del Norte’) which only existed from 1834 to 1840. It was the final California mission, established by Dominican Padre Felix Caballero. Read more at: https://www.bajabound.com/bajaadventures/bajatravel/guadalupe_valley_history and https://www.bajabound.com/bajaadventures/bajatravel/the_controversial_padre The museum staff points to a raised foundation outline by […]