What’s New at VivaBaja.com
In addition to the following links, notice that many of the subject links are now off the main page and grouped on subject pages of their own. This was done to make the main page easier to scroll down to see the kind of content found on VivaBaja.com. Also, more links have been added to […]
Messages about Eliodoro
Family of Eliodoro Arce, messages to David Kier Messages sent to me about Eliodoro Arce and his family, from member of his family. Spanish was translated with Google and edited for clarity. [The first time a family member is named by each person below, the name will be in bold. The family member’s name below […]
Eliodoro Arce
Don Eliodoro Arce was a friendly, old gold prospector. He lived near the abandoned 1930’s mine of El Desengaño, along the old road to Bahía de los Angeles. Eliodoro was born in 1912 and passed away at age 87, in the year 2000. He died at the home of relatives in Nuevo Rosarito. His kindness […]
The Bill Nichols’ Rock Trail
The Rock Trail 9/2005 by Kevin Ward (Baja Racer and Dust to Glory producer) It was a perfect late October morning in Alfonsina’s. I woke up early enough to watch one of those epic sunrises, just a murmuring of activity, and listened to the lapping of the water on the sand. We got Antonio and […]
San Bruno 1683-1685
Plano de la fortificación del Real de San Bruno en Californias Map was in a letter of March 26, 1685, by Eusebio Francisco Kino (1645-1711) [Facing west/north is to the right] The Real de San Bruno was founded in Oct. 6, 1683 by Admiral Isidro de Atondo y Antillón and the Jesuit father Eusebio […]
Emerson Hikes El Camino Real towards Santa María
My Quest for the Santa Maria Mission This is a story about a quest to reach the Santa María Mission in the Cataviña area in Baja, from Day 1, I knew the standard way to get there, but hey! Why not try alternate ways, right? I started studying google earth in detail, and with the […]
1947 Auto Club Trip Report
AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOURING BUREAU SPECIAL BULLETIN No 214 Date December 11, 1947 LOWER CALIFORNIA The following information has been received from our member, Mrs. Don Waters of Anaheim, California who recently made this trip and has kindly granted us permission to reproduce her account of it. WHILE WE DO NOT HAVE A […]
2023 Baja Bound Road Guide: Mexicali to Laguna Chapala
Page 1 https://1drv.ms/w/s!AmEcB3XztlkJliYRNsa7tBIkK1hf?e=h5hedG
Steve Silver’s BAJA
A look at Baja’s plants, animals, and human creations, through Steve’s camera. New additions from April 2024 (are dated). Photos categorized under: Plants, Landscapes, Humans and what they make, Animals and Critters. Who is Steve Silver and what brought him to Baja California? See Steve’s biography at the bottom of the page, following his photos. […]
J. Ross Browne 1868
Advice on Driving into Baja California, Mexico
Plenty of information about this is on the Internet, some of that may even be correct! As with any information about travel, things may have changed since this was written… Let me calm your nerves if this is your first trip to Baja, by automobile… It is pretty easy to deal with the formalities. You […]
Automobile Club of Southern California Maps of Baja California
Missing some Auto Club Maps, can you help?: 1970, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1986, 1993, 1999. Plus, any editions missing from this list. Such as any from 1935 to 1954; Please email info@vivabaja.com if you can help 1927 Auto Club Maps (San Diego to the San Quintín area) 1930 Auto Club of Southern California Baja California Map 1934 Auto Club of Southern […]
The Canyons of San Pedro Mártir to Valle Chico
Thanks go to Bud Bernhard, ‘PaulW’, ‘geoffff’, and others for their research compiling these lists and maps: Bud Bernhard’s 1962 Canyon notes: Clik for max-size Bud Bernhard’s 1962 canyon notes on the Howard Gulick map (Lower Califronia Guidebook): 1962 Canyon Map & Notes PaulW’s Canyon list: Geoff’s canyon list and map: Canoas Burros Esperanza: INEGI has […]
1971 Sunset Travel Guide Maps
1963 Chevy Baja Run Commercial and Log
Log Book: https://www.xr793.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/1963-Chevrolet-Truck-Baja-Run-Booklet.pdf