El Mármol & El Volcán

On January 21, 2006 Elizabeth and I took a day trip from El Rosario to the abandoned onyx mine of El Mármol and the active soda springs of El Volcán, 4 miles beyond. El Volcán is the site of a cold water geyser which erupts monthly. Mexico Highway #1 South of San Quintín, Highway One […]

To El Matomí, Sun. Feb. 18, 2001

A group of old and new friends met up at the desert home of El Camote (Mike), near San Felipe. Mike invited all who wished to make the journey. David K planned the two days tour, and everyone had a part in making it a fantastic weekend. The following photos from David’s camera were put […]

Climbing Baja’s El Matomí ’95 Also: Mesa El Avion in 2003 & Matomí Canyon in 2004

Matomí Peak (Pico Matomi or Cerro el Matomi) is a desert mountain in the center of Baja California, between San Quintin and Puertecitos. Approx. GPS is N30°22′, W115°07.5′ and an elevation near 5,000 feet. Located several miles from any road, requiring much difficult hiking before the climb begins. Baja Nomad ‘Mexitron’ and his cousin (Hudson) […]

The Spanish Missions of Baja California, Part 1: The Jesuit Missions 1697-1767

Jesuit founded missions: This page PART 2 The Franciscan and Dominican missions PART 3 The Mission Visitas The Mission Road: El Camino Real PART 4: Mission’s GPS and Mission Sites viewed from Space Santa María de los Angeles: the northern-most Jesuit founded mission in California. Photography by Jack Swords (copyright) Photographs at each mission site […]

Part 3: Mission Visitas

As are the missions themselves, many visitas are in danger of being lost to careless acts or apathy such as these ruins at San Juan de Dios destroyed by a farmer in 2006, 3 years after this photo was taken by Jack Swords (copyright). Baja California Mission Visitas Visitas (also known as ‘estancias’) were visiting […]

Part 4: Mission Locations from Space & GPS

EL DESCANSO 32°12’19.62″ -116°54’19.24″ Located behind a church that can be seen from the Ensenada toll road. An exit just north once was signed for the mission, but has been renamed ‘Rancho Descanso’. Access from the free road along the lagoon/ arroyo, under the toll road bridge (south of the Cantamar sand dunes). The original […]

Mission Santa María, 1999

May 1999: Mur and Dave to Santa María and Gonzaga Bay This adventure took us to the ruins of last Jesuit mission established in Baja, before their expulsion from the peninsula by royal order. The only ‘road’ in is 15 miles of what could easily be the toughest in all Baja! It begins at Rancho […]

To Mission Santa María, 2007

To Misión Santa Maria de los Angeles In May of 2007, Elizabeth and I (in a 2005 Toyota Tacoma) made the trip to the last mission founded by the Jesuits. Joining us (in a Land Rover LR3) was Roy and Blanche. Both Roy and I have been to the mission before, but it was our […]

Misión Santa Maria 2010

Memorial Day Weekend in May of 2010 six vehicles made their way to the last mission founded in the New World by the Jesuit Order. Santa Maria de los Angeles was established in 1767 in a remote, oasis canyon. Even today the location is still difficult to reach. Only the few brave adventurers with equipment […]

15 Days in Baja, 12-21-01 To 1-4-02

Baja-15 Baja loving amiga, Mindy (‘jeans’) and I combined equipment and talents to explore and enjoy as much of the peninsula as possible, while visiting new friends. Capt. Mike & Janeen’s camp at Santispac. That’s Mindy’s Callen camper on my Tacoma, a great combination! Mindy enjoys the view and sunshine at Bahia Concepcion. Captain Mike […]

New Year’s Baja Adventure, 2001

Baja-1-2001 The following photos taken by David K and LdB (and scanned by Wild Bill) are of our trip in Northern Baja from Dec. 29, 2000 to Jan. 1, 2001. The text of the trip can be found on six trip reports posted on the Amigos de Baja Discusson Board at http://www.bajanet.com/general/ ending on 1/9/01. […]

July 11, 2004 La Barca, Mexico

bajacactus At the seaside home of ‘JR Baja’ and Carol was a great bar-b-que picnic provided by Antonio and his family. Antonio operates the Pemex station in El Rosario as well as the Baja Cactus Motel. Antonio (‘BajaCactus’ on the Internet) was kind enough to invite some people he had been communicting with in order […]

Boojum Buddies Baja Bash #2

Kathleen and Don in ‘La Cueva’ Photography by Marla Jo Fisher (unless otherwise noted). Look for her story in the Orange County Register. Thanks Marla! Jeans sized the photos on her PC for this web page. Thanks Jeans! Humfreville’s campsite ‘El Sol’ in Guadalupe Canyon. Mary Ann is waving to Marla. Desert Bull (Tim) experiencing […]