11-03: Thanksgiving at Gonzaga Bay and Hiking ‘El Camino Real’
Alfonsina’s Beach Now, this is ‘Beach Front’ property! The small mountain is San Luis Gonzaga Island or sometimes called Willard Island, which sits in the bay and connects to the beach at low tide. Saturday and Sunday, after Thanksgiving, had perfect weather. The previous two days were windy. A light house is near the south […]
El Rosario & Sidetrips, 11/04
Thanksgiving weekend I traveled south to El Rosario with my friend Antonio Muñoz, the owner of that town’s ‘Baja Cactus Motel’ and Pemex Gas Station. Baja Cactus Pemex in El Rosario The next gas may be 200 miles away, so it is wise to top your tank here. Credit cards accepted! Next door is Baja […]
Thanksgiving Weekend 2005
We visit both sites of the Santo Tomás mission, then take an off road excursion into the high country north-east of El Rosario to see great boojum forests and discover petroglyphs! Finally we have another look at both sites for the mission of El Rosario. 1st site for Mission Santo Tomás de Aquino 1791-1799 The […]
2006 Baja 1000 Trip 11-06
In November, 2006 Elizabeth, her son Josh and I volunteered to help with race communications with Team Baja Pits at EL CRUCERO, over 300 race miles from the start. We also took a few days to show Josh some of the sites in Baja we would be near. La Lobera, Cataviña painted cave, L.A. Bay, […]
2017 Trip #1
2017 Trip photos: Roads and side trips of Baja California All content by David Kier In 2017, I was sponsored by Baja Bound Insurance to travel and log the details of all the important roads in Baja California plus interesting side trips I knew or heard of. The goal was to have an online, interactive […]
2017 Trip #1, Part 2
Highway 5 ends at Laguna Chapala, Highway 1 Km. 233.5. Turning left/ southbound to continue El Portezuelo, the peninsular divide, elevation 2,440’. Km. 243 south of Laguna Chapala. Map of the roads as they were in 2017. The paved road to L.A. Bay leaves Highway 1 at Km. 282, the former Parador Punta Prieta. It […]
2017 Trip #1, Part 3
New Years Day 2017 at Bahía Las Animas. A final look at the Las Animas Bay, heading south. It was raining but the sun gave me a rainbow! The Las Animas road is an unimproved track between the cacti. The ‘mystery wall’ is just below the ridgeline on this hill, two miles from Las Animas […]
1202 (Dec 26, 2002-Jan 4) Baja Trip
Our Baja trip of December, 2002 to January, 2003 had my kids (Chris and Sarah) and I exploring unmapped roads north of Bahia de los Angeles. The day after Christmas, we drove all the way to Guadalupe Bay. The next day we continued over the next dry lake north and found the entrance to Arroyo […]
New Year’s 2004 In Baja
Dec. 30, 2003 to Jan. 3, 2004 at Camp Gecko, Bahia de los Angeles. Side trips to Montevideo Pictograph site, Mission San Borja, ‘Lost Mission’ Hunt V, up Arroyo la Palma. Suzanne (‘GeoRock’) and Pete with their (her) Hummer, at the Montevideo pinturas. Pete and Mike Humfreville (holding a Dos Equis)! From top to bottom: […]
Punta Baja to near Punta San Carlos 12/05
On December 10, 2005 we drove the coast south from El Rosario. This made a very nice day trip out from El Rosario. The road log for the trip is in three parts: Log 1 is El Rosario to Punta Baja. Log 2 is Punta Baja to the coastal road south. Log 3 is the […]
1757 Jesuit Map of (Baja) California with Lost Missions
Padre Miguel Venegas created this map from compiled Jesuit documents. The northern half of the map is shown here, and includes six mission sites. Three are known and three may be lost? The second frame has the six missions marked. Near the top is a waterhole called ‘Aguaje de Santa Isabel’ (between Bahia San Luis […]
Matomí Group Trip – Feb. ’04
Presidents Day Weekend FEB. 14 – 16, 2004 Campo Nuevo Mazatlan Km. 32 south of San Felipe, Baja California. Saturday we visit Shell Island. Sunday we tour Parral and Matomí canyons. Monday we check out the sulfur mine, then head home. All Photos c2004 from Bob H, David K, ‘Mexray’, ‘Tunaeater’, and Edie H (the […]
Feb.’05 San Felipe 250 Race Weekend
Feb. 26 & 27, was a fun weekend in Baja with Elizabeth! We arrived in San Felipe about midnight and were the guests of friends who have a beach home, some miles south. Just after the sun rose Saturday, I took this photo of the huge sand beach in front of where we stayed. Elizabeth […]
2/06 El Rosario’s Petrified Forest & La Bocana Beach
In February, 2006, Elizabeth and I returned to the petrified ‘forest’ canyon. We first saw it the previous July (during the El Rosario Cultural Festival http://vivabaja.com/705/page6.html). We also went to La Bocana beach, logging the milages on both roads from town (see below). Getting to the petrified wood canyon… After receiving permission from the property […]
Feb. 2007 President’s Day Weekend
We explored the top half of the La Turquesa Canyon grade, stayed at Gonzaga Bay’s Campo Beluga and then spend the last night on Shell Island. We visited with friends Antonio Muñoz in El Rosario and Rob & Connie at Bahia Santa Maria. Hwy. 1 to La Turquesa Canyon View Between Km. 213 and 214, […]