Topographic Maps

Popular locations at the 1:39375 scale (approx. 1″ = 1 km.), these maps are arranged from north to south and west to east. Click map name (in blue) to copy link for your use. Maps are either vertical or horizontal, depending on region. Field data is circa 2011. Puerto Nuevo El Descanso La Misión Guadalupe […]

2024 Crossing South Festival

On Saturday, August 24, Baja Bound Insurance and KPBS TV’s Crossing South had a festival at Liberty Station in San Diego, from noon to four o’clock. Baja Bound provided a sun canopy, table and chairs for myself and others to share or sell their Baja related businesses. Before the event began, I took some […]

Okie Landing on maps

Okie Landing, originally Miramar Landing, was founded in 1959 and was operating as a tourist fish camp for about 10 years. See more details at bottom of page. On the 1962 Howard Gulick/ Lower California Guidebook Map On the 1967 Automobile Club of Southern California Map On the 1970 Map by Cliff Cross (listed as […]

Dolores Apaté 2014 by ‘ashek’

Hiking down the Camino Real to Los Dolores Apaté Mission (by ‘ashek’) Here are the notes and photos from ‘ashek’ upon his return from hiking down the mountain to the 9th California mission, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores Apaté (founded in 1721). Received on Feb. 19, 2014: Alright, We went, we saw, and we were […]

Baja Weekend of November 2002

Here is a repost, with edits, of a 5 part trip report covering Agua Dulce, San Juan de Dios and almost to Sal Si Puedes Canyon! Baja Weekend Part 1: Do you know the way… to Agua Dulce? This was a rare trip for me, as I almost always have a friend or a child […]

Roamlndr Creative 2WD Van Episodes

Alex and Megan of Canada have produced some outstanding YouTube videos of their 2024 Baja California travels in a 2WD van/motorhome. Alex has not let the absence of 4WD prevent them from going places that most would think impossible without ‘double-traction’. This webpage is my creation to help the VivaBaja reader find these Baja California […]

The Atondo-Kino 1684 Route, by David Kier

Plotting the Atondo-Kino 1684 Expedition (San Bruno to the Pacific) on Satellite imagery, using Admiral Atondo’s diary published by Dawson Book Shop in 1969 as First from the Gulf to the Pacific (#16 of the Baja California Travels Series of 51 volumes), translated by W. Michael Mathes.  The 1960 Ronald L. Ives drawn route map: […]

World War 2 in Baja California

Interest in this period of history comes from our exploring the Pole Line Road, northwest of San Felipe: Here are some details off the Internet, with links to read more: 1) From History of San Diego by Richard Pourade While United States Cavalry patrolled the border and guarded nearby reservoirs, concern arose over the […]

Baja Travel Adventures

113 Baja Bound Travel Adventure Stories, by David Kier Interactive map of most story locations  Personal stories (14): Catching the Baja Bug A Passion for Baja Maps The Books That Brought Us to Baja, Part 1 The Books That Brought Us to Baja, Part 2 Spring Break 1974 Returning to Mission Santa María 1967 Baja […]

Matomí Canyon (1979-2017)

The Matomí Canyon Waterfalls was a point of interest first told to my family by Arnold Limón of San Felipe around 1967. Arnold was the owner of Arnold’s Del Mar Café, where we would stop for a meal on our way to or from points south. He described an exotic waterfall that filled a giant […]

Bahía Concepción in photos (1976-2019)

  These are photographs from my many trip web pages showing Bahía Concepción locations. If I find any more, especially from my trips here of 1966, 1973 and 1974, they will be added. 1976 1985 2001 2007 2009 Playa Buenaventura (Km. 93+) Playa La Perla (Km. 91 & 92 access roads) 2012 Playa La Perla […]

San Javier in photos (1926-2017)

[All photos below that are prior to 1973, are off the Internet and shown here purely for educational purposes.] 1926 Edward Davis 1950 Marquis McDonald [author of Baja: Land of Lost Missions] 1952 Howard Gulick [co-author of Lower California Guidebook, (1956-1970 editions and printings), and Baja California Guidebook (1975 & 1980)]. I met Mr. Gulick in […]

The Gold of Northern Baja, prospecting on YouTube

Author and host of several YouTube tutorials on finding bits of gold in the mountains and desert of Baja California. Jens talks about his camping spots and describes plants and geology as he shows us how to find (and pan for) the gold. Come along with this humorous prospector and maybe bring a shovel and […]

California and Baja California, a tutorial

This peninsula was the first place called ‘California’ and thus the body of water on its east coast is the Gulf of California/ Golfo de California (but also known as the Sea of Cortez/ Mar de Cortés). When the Spanish missions expanded north of the peninsula (in 1769+), this northern region was called Nueva (New) […]