1952192919351960196019681968197119771971 (La Siesta Press)1978 (La Siesta Press)200120022009200320091956
The Dawson Book Shop of Los Angeles, produced a 51 volume set of historic interest books from 1965 to 1992 called the Baja California Travels Series. Volume #50 was an index to the 49 volumes before it. The final volume (#51, Modest Fortunes) was added in 1992 as it had so impressed Glen Dawson. The Dawson books have a plain cover, so here the title pages are shown:
1979200219682020 (Lengua Nebe = Cochimí Language)Unpublished English Edition1979 (c1972)200120032008 (a large folding map with mission details, many errors)The History of [Lower] California cover1937 (1971 reprint)199420051960 (republished in 2003)19631971 (La Siesta Press)1880 (modern reprint)199619992003
20122020201620172016 (pages 2-11 are about Baja California)20171974199420022003200120131936, 1963197620171829, 197719621922, 196619671968197219841985Page 46 of Cañon de los Artistas by Austin DeuelOnline: http://archivohistoricobcs.com.mx/files/libros/pdf/guia.pdf2023
Ocean Activities, Photography, and Cook Books, on the next page…