This page is a collection of photos from 2005-2012 showing Roy or photos taken by our friend, Roy ‘The Square-circle’ Hall
April 2005: Off Road Day Trip, Hwy. 3 to Hwy. 1 at Cantamar
Roy and Elizabeth looking at a rattlesnake. Blanche and Richard’s wife stand back.Roy takes a photo of Elizabeth and David
April 2005: Pyramid Resort Book Signing
July 2005: Baja-Rosario Cultural Festival
Roy in glasses and striped shirtRoy in striped shirtRoy examining sea urchin productRoy holding a beerRoy on the right. Doug Means (Baja Nomad) looking to camera.Roy in dark glasses, in middle. Antonio (Baja Cactus), Elizabeth and David at lower right.
Nov. 2005: Erle Stanley Gardner museum show, Temecula, CA.
Roy, Elizabeth, Neal & Marian Johns.
May 2006: Pyramid Resort Book Signing
Phil C and RoyRoyDavid Kier, Greg Niemann, Graham Mackintosh
June 2006: The Baja 500 (helping Baja Pits with spotting)
Off Road Racing dogRoy waiting for the racers to arrive.Elizabeth and Roy on a hot day. Valle de Trinidad in the distance.
One of the race trucks.Roy checks out a rattlesnake killed during the race, up from the Goat Trail.
Toyota 4x4s and their owners (David Kier and Roy)
Roy LOVES Baja California!David and Elizabeth, ‘Baja Angel’
2006 Off Road Expo
Roy and ElizabethTom ‘TW’, David K, Roy ‘The Squarecircle’, Baja Lou Wells
2006 Baja 1000 Baja Pits Meeting
Carlos of Baja Pits discussing the plan for the 1000 race
Roy and Josh have quite a discussion about American muscle vs. Japanese technology in automobiles:
Nov. 2006: The Baja 1000, Baja Pits at El Crucero
Roy, Elizabeth, and Josh at the Cataviña painted cave
Roy, standing, at our pit in El CruceroTom ‘TW’ visits with us!The list of racers we will be pitting is taped to Roy’s 4RunnerPittingPitting goes all nightAfter the race and some sleep, we go to Montevideo.Roy at MontevideoRoy takes a photo of David, Elizabeth, and Josh (Elizabeth’s son who works for Stewart’s Race Works)Coco’s Corner: Roy, Josh, Coco, Elizabeth, DavidCoco and his visitor books… showing my previous visitsHappy Coco, about 70 year-oldArrived at Alfonsina’s, Roy at left walkingGonzaga BayRoy, Josh, Elizabeth on shore in front of Alfonsina’s.Oh boy, shrimp dinner at Alfonsina’sLast camp of the Baja 1000 trip, on Shell Island
2007 La Turquesa Canyon (Roy & Blanche)
May 2007: Mission Santa María
July 2007: Baja-Rosario Cultural Festival, Las Pintas, Seven Sisters, Bahía Asunción
Roy and Elizabeth at Las PintasRoy in the center, behind Elizabeth and ‘Gadget’Roy (back to camera) looking at Las Pintas cavesLas Pintas petroglyphsRoy and GadgetRoy in centerRoy and Elizabeth at Baja CactusRoy and Elizabeth as we head to the Pacific, at Puerto Santa CatarinaRoy’s Land Rover at Punta CanoasOur first camp on the Seven Sisters drive, inland from Puerto Canoas.Our second camp on the beach south of Punta Lobos.Roy at the Eagle monument, 2007Roy chats with a puppy at Shari’s, Bahía Asunción.
May 2008 Roy Climbs La Turquesa Grade (with Tom and others)
New Years 2009: Baja Lou’s final turkey feast, San Felipe
Roy was playing Cuban tunes out of the Land Rover, he named ‘Winston’TW was chatting with El Camote (Mike Hess)Big turnout at Lou & Teina’s placeBaja Lou and Rudy (El Comandante Loco) & wife.
Aug. 2011: Discover Baja Birthday Party, San Diego
Roy, wearing a ‘got baja?’ hat has a camera at the ready.
Dec. 2011: Discover Baja Christmas Party
Roy arrives in ‘Winston’Doug Means, aka ‘Baja Nomad’