Jack Swords, a certified INAH registered photographer, traveled to the mission sites to preserve them on film between 2000 and 2004. Twenty years later, we can compare the recent past with what can be seen today. These photos are all copyright protected ©. No reproduction without permission.
LORETO in 2001 (founded in 1697, construction dates to the 1740s):

SAN JAVIER in 2001 (founded in 1699, moved to here, construction from the 1750s):

VISITA de SAN JAUN LONDÓ in 2002 (founded in 1699)

SAN JUAN BAUTISTA de LIGÜÍ in 2003 (founded in 1705, location name later changed to Malibat)

SANTA ROSALÍA de MULEGÉ in 2001 (founded in 1705, construction from 1757-1766)

SAN JOSÉ de COMONDÚ in 2002 (founded in 1705 and moved in 1736). First location now called Comondú Viejo:

1736 location of San José de Comondú in 2001 (construction in the 1750s):

LA PURÍSIMA in 2001 (founded in 1720):

PURÍSIMA VIEJA in 2002 (some believe was an early site for the 1720 mission)

PILAR de la PAZ plaque in 2003 (founded in 1720)

LOS DOLORES APATE in 2002 (founded in 1721, moved in 1741):

LOS DOLORES CHILLÁ in 2002 (moved here in 1741) Location also called La Pasión:

SANTIAGO el APÓSTOL AIÑINÍ in 2003 (first site photos, founded in 1724, moved in 1736):

SAN IGNACIO in 2001 (founded in 1728, construction began in 1761 and ended in 1786):

SANTA ROSA in 2003 (founded in 1733 at the La Paz mission’s Visita de Todos Santos)

Church from 1970 at the Santa Rosa mission site, just north of Todos Santos:

SAN LUIS GONZAGA in 2002 (founded in 1737, construction in the 1750s)

Missions in the northern half of the peninsula are on the next page>>>