After a quick glance and a look at my email exchanges, here is what I could see that is new for 2023 over 2021. Note: there may be others and feel free to let me know what you discover.

San Felipe Municipality added on multiple pages.

Page 29: Puerto Nuevo [lobster village] (added)

Page 35: More roads around the Sierra Las Pintas added.

Page 36: Cuatro Casas Hostel added.

Page 37: Chenowth Legacy Lodge added. Campos Sahuaro, La Joya, and Delicias added. Natural Arch, Cardón Forest, Ram’s Head choke point, and more dirt roads added. Canyons Oso, Toledo, Tulare, and La Providencia added.

Page 39: Campo Los Delfines location corrected. The arroyo road for Mission Santa María added.

Page 39 & 41: Original Coco’s Corner added.

Page 41: Road north at Agua Amarga route edited.

Page 47: Kilometer marker points moved by one at southern portion of road to Punta San Francisquito from Bahía de los Angeles.

Page 55: Beach road from San Nicolas toward Punta Pulpito added.

Page 55 & 56: Road south of San Juan to Comondú Viejo edited to show that it doesn’t connect the two.

Page 58: Edit on dirt road north of Ciudad Insurgentes to show it does not connect with another road.

That’s all I have for now.

David Kier

Here is Benchmark’s Luis Borella at the Baja Expo in San Diego, Sept. 30, 2023: