Baja Bound provided a sun canopy, table and chairs for myself and others to share or sell their Baja related businesses.
Before the event began, I took some photos…
This was where the wineries were set up, and a popular area of the event. I saw alot of folks with glasses of vino!This was my table… two other authors joined me here about the time the event began.I was the far right tent, next to the Horsepower Ranch tent. This was as far from the music as possible, which was good, but sadly talking was still difficult with the music so loud!
The Overlanders were on display…
The modern version of the Myers Manx Baja Car.It is Subaru powered!
More Manxes arrived…
Food truck smelled goodThe Cali-Baja Cuisine book author Mike Gardner and his wife, and Jens Tobias (aka Ric Rust or ‘bajaric’), author of The Gold of Northern Baja sat on either side of me.